Follow these steps to create a name centered on your client.
One of the biggest mistakes many business owners have made is when they name a business without knowing who their client is. I have worked with local small businesses in the last 13 years, launching new brands and products. The goal of this post is for you not to make the same mistake of naming your business without reflecting on a position and an attitude to attract your ideal client.
Before choose the name get to know the market and audience you would like to aim for. And the branding relates, interacts, touches the heart and surprises its consumer.
Tip #1 - What kind of audience are you trying to answer?
What are the ideal customer characteristics for your brand’s products or services?
You will never find a compelling name if you don’t know who you’re creating your brand for.
Tip #2 - What feelings are you trying to inspire in people?
Does it make them feel safer or more secure? Is it reassuring? Does it make them feel more in control? More confident? Does your brand make them feel sophisticated? Do they think purchasing and using your brand makes a difference?
Does your brand put a smile on their faces? Does using your brand make them feel as though they have status?
“A brand is the set of expectations, memories, stories and relationships that, taken together, account for a consumer’s decision to choose one product or service over another.” – Seth Godin
Tip #3 - Use the Name Generator
With your idea in mind, start writing keywords that you think can describe the brand you want to build. TIP: Write down 50 keywords.
This exercise is for you or your team; it doesn't have to be perfect words.
Just write whatever comes to mind and go from there.
Grab another piece of paper and start matching words from your list.
Finally, reduce your best ideas and choose one.
Never (!) ask others which of your name ideas they like. That’s because all you learn is their personal opinion. Let’s say you are planning a sportswear brand. Instead of asking someone whether they like a name or not, you could ask: “Do you think this name expresses activity?” or “What name would surprise you, if you saw it on a shoe rack?”.
If you have questions, we are here to help you. Leave a comment below or visit our website
If you are a Brazilian entrepreneur in the USA, we have a Branding series on Youtube for you in (Portuguese). Watch now FREE CLASS, " How to create a brand's name to sell."
Happy Saturday!